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Fake EAS Simulator

CMS Studios Software
4.6 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Fake EAS Simulator

Ever want to prank your friends with fake Emergency Alert Sounds? How about simulate the start of a nuclear war, a tornado approaching, or an abandon ship message?

Now is your chance with this fake Emergency Alert System (EAS) Simulator app!

•  Realistic EAS Alert sounds - Select from a list of preset sounds.
   - Select from 80+ different country alerts and other sounds
•  Add custom TTS (Text-to-Speech) messages to be played as part of your alert
•  Create custom scheduled Android notifications
•  Save custom video alerts to an MP4 file!
•  Make your phone vibrate like a real EAS alert!
•  Add alert tones
•  Use your own voice in a custom alert!
•  Creator allows you to chain together many different sounds, custom messages, and pauses, to allow for any combination of effects your heart desires
•  Create custom video messages
•  Save custom alerts to mp3 files
•  Play preset alert messages
•  Play preset video alert messages
•  Save custom alerts for future use
•  NEW! Add a custom background image
•  NEW! Add a custom audio file
•  Submit custom alerts for inclusion in the app. We already have 240+ fan submitted alerts!

**We've recently hit 22,000 downloads! Thank you!**

!! ALL features are Unlocked and DO NOT need a "PRO" app version to use, unlike other EAS apps on the market. !!

Stayed tuned for many more updates to come!

We would appreciate any feedback via the in-app feedback form.

Hope you enjoy!