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Luxuria Superbia

Tale of Tales
4.3 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Luxuria Superbia

A simple game of touch, pleasure and joy.

Luxuria Superbia is a colorful, musical journey made to fill you with joy. Exciting designs explode from your touch as you glide through playful stylized flowers. It’s all about the experience and the interaction.

"Luxuria Superbia is a bright, vibrant game that will make you smile as much as it will make you blush."
— Andrew Webster, The Verge

"Like many a human partner, it offers very little explicit instruction on how it wants to be caressed, but plenty of feedback to learn from.”
— Leigh Alexander, Slate

“It’s terrific! Lovely, sweet, and in its own way, quite funny.”
— Patrick Smith (Vectorpark)

“What if Georgia O’Keefe and Claude Monet had a videogame love-child?”
— Chris Bateman (iHobo)

There’s twelve flower-like tunnels and a garden with a temple.
In the garden, you select a flower by turning the dial.
When you complete a flower the next one is unlocked.

A flower always starts out colorless.
But when you touch it, color fills the tunnel.
Stay in the glowing flower as long as possible!

Play slowly and gently to get a high score.
Just pushing through as fast as you can will result in failure.
The game wants you to take it easy and be playful.

The blush you cause to a flower imbues the garden too.
For each flower, there’s a column in the temple.
Time spent in a blooming flower makes its column grow.
The garden starts blank, just like the tunnels.
But over several journeys, it flourishes with color.

Bring color to the flowers, bring joy and beauty to the garden!

- Stimulating fun that brings you an experience of joy and happiness.
- Dynamic music by Walter Hus responds to your every touch.
- Playful, sensual interaction with lush colorful levels.
- The game engages with you –alone or with a friend– as an encouraging partner.

Launch Trailer:
Play Trailer:
People Trailer:

WARNING! Luxuria Superbia was designed for recent tablets. If the game would not run on your device, please ask for a refund!

If the game runs too slowly on your device, try switching on the "LOW REZ" mode in the pause menu of the game.

Luxuria Superbia has been confirmed to run —though not necessarily ideally— on Google Nexus 7, ASUS MeMO Pad, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One, HTC Desire X.
Problems have been reported on Samsung Galaxy S and Kindle Fire HD.
Luxuria Superbia does NOT run on Cross A5.

Please email with reports on how the game runs on your device (include brand and model name) so we can add to this list.

Luxuria Superbia Screenshots