Today it is especially difficult to remember words as they are formed. This fun game of letters brings you 14 categories and a daily challenge where you can decrypt and form words to change tracks you can use in the game.
What word categories can find in this game of alphabet soup?
Country names, names of Animals, name Flores, name Fruit, name Plant, name of the world's languages, names of people, name household objects, name objects Office, name of professions, name means Transport, Meals name and finally, names of world capitals.
Play every day, remembers how words are formed and complete each level!
Open the game, then with your finger selects the first letter that the word begins. Drag down your finger to the next letter, this continuously until the word!
This word game is designed for use herein and remember the structure of words.
This puzzle is a fun way to spend time, speed and memory training, increase vocabulary in this language as fascinating as the Spanish.
What word categories can find in this game of alphabet soup?
Country names, names of Animals, name Flores, name Fruit, name Plant, name of the world's languages, names of people, name household objects, name objects Office, name of professions, name means Transport, Meals name and finally, names of world capitals.
Play every day, remembers how words are formed and complete each level!
Open the game, then with your finger selects the first letter that the word begins. Drag down your finger to the next letter, this continuously until the word!
This word game is designed for use herein and remember the structure of words.
This puzzle is a fun way to spend time, speed and memory training, increase vocabulary in this language as fascinating as the Spanish.
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