SSC GD/Constable GD Exam 2023 Mock Tests or Practice Sets & Preparation App in Hindi & English Both Language
This a Android App for SSC Constable/GD Exam 2023. In this app users will get free mock tests for SSC Constable GD Exam and it's model papers. Users will able to grade up their preparation for this exam. With this app users can also Grade up their General knowledge and math solving power.
SSS has announced for conduct the of SSC Constable/GD Exam. The complete preparation package for SSC Constable GD Exam in Hindi is provided in this app with previous papers of SSC Constable GD Exam and Other SSC Exams.
SSC Constable GD Exam Pattern
Mode of examination: CBT : Computer Based Test (MCQ)
Duration: 60 minutes
Number of Questions: 80
Total marks: 160
Negative Marking: For every wrong answer, 1/4 marks will be deducted.
Parts of SSC Constable GD Examination :
(i) General intelligence and reasoning
(ii) General Awareness & General Science
(iii) Arithmetic
(iv) General Hindi or General English
SSC Constable GD Examination Syllabus - SSC Constable GD exams are specifically asked questions related to India and neighboring countries such as history, culture, geography, economic scenario, general policy and related to scientific research, etc.
Some more details about SSC Constable GD Exam :
General Intelligence and Reasoning: It would include questions of non-verbal type. The test will include questions on similarities and differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship concepts, figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation and other analytical functions.
SSC Combined Metric Level Exam — Combined
Metric Level Pre-Exam, Multitasking (Non-Technical)
Staff, CISF Constable (GD), Constable (GD) & Riflemen
(GD) and Other Competitive Exams.
Banking Conduct Exam – IBPS , Bank PO ,Clerk ,Exams etc
Railway Conduct Exam – NTPC , Group-D , Junior Engineer , RRB , RPF , Ticket Clerk , T.T , etc.
All Other Exam – Navy , Air – force , MR/NMR etc.
ALL State Exam - CTET , TET , B.ED , Bihar Police , UP Police , UPSSSC PET etc.
Note : this app only for educational purpose we designed and if you having any issue with it please email us .
This a Android App for SSC Constable/GD Exam 2023. In this app users will get free mock tests for SSC Constable GD Exam and it's model papers. Users will able to grade up their preparation for this exam. With this app users can also Grade up their General knowledge and math solving power.
SSS has announced for conduct the of SSC Constable/GD Exam. The complete preparation package for SSC Constable GD Exam in Hindi is provided in this app with previous papers of SSC Constable GD Exam and Other SSC Exams.
SSC Constable GD Exam Pattern
Mode of examination: CBT : Computer Based Test (MCQ)
Duration: 60 minutes
Number of Questions: 80
Total marks: 160
Negative Marking: For every wrong answer, 1/4 marks will be deducted.
Parts of SSC Constable GD Examination :
(i) General intelligence and reasoning
(ii) General Awareness & General Science
(iii) Arithmetic
(iv) General Hindi or General English
SSC Constable GD Examination Syllabus - SSC Constable GD exams are specifically asked questions related to India and neighboring countries such as history, culture, geography, economic scenario, general policy and related to scientific research, etc.
Some more details about SSC Constable GD Exam :
General Intelligence and Reasoning: It would include questions of non-verbal type. The test will include questions on similarities and differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship concepts, figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation and other analytical functions.
SSC Combined Metric Level Exam — Combined
Metric Level Pre-Exam, Multitasking (Non-Technical)
Staff, CISF Constable (GD), Constable (GD) & Riflemen
(GD) and Other Competitive Exams.
Banking Conduct Exam – IBPS , Bank PO ,Clerk ,Exams etc
Railway Conduct Exam – NTPC , Group-D , Junior Engineer , RRB , RPF , Ticket Clerk , T.T , etc.
All Other Exam – Navy , Air – force , MR/NMR etc.
ALL State Exam - CTET , TET , B.ED , Bihar Police , UP Police , UPSSSC PET etc.
Note : this app only for educational purpose we designed and if you having any issue with it please email us .
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