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Psikotes SKD Sekolah Kedinasan

Teman Ujian by @temanujian
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About Psikotes SKD Sekolah Kedinasan

Psychological Test for Service School Exam Preparation

STIS Statistics Polytechnic
National Cyber ​​and Crypto Polytechnic (SSN)

Bond service school is an educational program organized by the government to form prospective civil servants (PNS) or members of other government agencies. This program has special requirements, that is, after graduating from an official school, participants are required to join a service bond for several years in a government agency that has been previously determined.

Service bond official schools are usually intended for high school/vocational high school/MA graduates or equivalent who have good academic and non-academic achievements and meet specified requirements. After being accepted, prospective participants will undergo quite intensive and comprehensive education and training within a certain time according to the type and level of education taken.

After graduating from the official school, participants must join the official bond to work in a government agency that has been determined for several years. If participants do not fulfill their official bond obligations, they will be subject to prescribed sanctions, such as payment of fines or refund of tuition fees and other administrative sanctions.

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