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All India Radio FM Stations

4.7 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About All India Radio FM Stations

We aggregate All India radios, FM stations, India Based online radios and Indian Language Radios into a single app neatly sorted by state or language. We have Hindi radios, English radios, Tamil radios, Telugu radios, Kannada radios, Malayalam, Odia, Marathi, Gujarati, Bangla, Urdu etc.

With this app you can
* Listen to All India Radio Stations
* Listen to Akashvani Radio Stations
* Listen to Vividh Bharathi and Prasar Bharti Radio Stations.
* Listen to Bhakti & Prayers Radio Stations
* Listen to All India Radio Cricket Commentary

Some of the Radios in the App are AIR News, Air Raagam, Air VBS, Mirchi Radio etc.,

Following are the app features

Radios are neatly categorized by state or Language
Multiple Live FM Radio live Online streaming
Listen Indian hits Songs and Old Songs
Save your Favorites station for quick playing options
Skip to Next/Previous Radio Station in one click
Sleep Timer
This All India Radio Player is always free to listen.

If you experience any problems or if you can't find the station you are looking for, send us an email to, we will try to add that radio station if possible.
If you like the app, we would appreciate a 5 stars review. Thank you

Note: Active high speed internet connection, 3G/4G or WIFI network is required to listen to radio stations. Some FM radio stations are not 24*7 so their stream might go offline periodically.

All India Radio FM Stations Screenshots