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Skeletal Avenger

10tons Ltd
4.3 out of 5
500+ downloads

About Skeletal Avenger

Skeletal Avenger is a hack'n'slash rogue-lite with a massive perk arsenal and skull-chucking special moves! Re-animate skeletons and fight your way to vengeance. Build a new playstyle for each run with perks. Loot, explore, avenge, and try to go crazy with perk combos.

- Discover and experiment with dozens of perks forming devastating combos
- Find new headgear to alternate your skull-chucking attack
- Loot weapons, armor, boots, and trinkets to become more powerful
- Explore and conquer a fantasy world consisting of four unique biomes
- Endless amount of procedurally generated dungeons to explore
- A cornucopia of unique enemies to vanquish
- Upgrade your skills permanently with looted gold

Skeletal Avenger Screenshots