A Pocket Guide to the names and descriptions of the main gods of Norse mythology, in a simple and quick format.
Norse mythology also called Germanic mythology, Viking mythology or Norse mythology, is the name given to the set of religions, beliefs and pre-Christian legends of the Scandinavian people, especially during the Age of Vikings, whose knowledge came to our days mainly through Edda Icelandic century. XIII.
The Norse legends do not have a single version. There are variations in the gods and descriptions of how the world was created. One of the myths says that Odin and his brothers killed a giant, Ymir formed of fire and ice. His body turned, then, the raw material for the creation of the world.
+ Available in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Japanese
+ More than 35 information screens
+ All primordial gods of the Aesir
+ List Illustrated Gods
Norse mythology also called Germanic mythology, Viking mythology or Norse mythology, is the name given to the set of religions, beliefs and pre-Christian legends of the Scandinavian people, especially during the Age of Vikings, whose knowledge came to our days mainly through Edda Icelandic century. XIII.
The Norse legends do not have a single version. There are variations in the gods and descriptions of how the world was created. One of the myths says that Odin and his brothers killed a giant, Ymir formed of fire and ice. His body turned, then, the raw material for the creation of the world.
+ Available in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Japanese
+ More than 35 information screens
+ All primordial gods of the Aesir
+ List Illustrated Gods
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