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Al-Quran Verses

The Young Turks Technology
1,000+ downloads

About Al-Quran Verses

App will remind you twice a day to read verses from The Noble Al-Qur'an (The Quran, al-Qur'ān, القرآن‎‎, Qur'an, Koran). It will help you think of Allah (Allāh‎, الله‎), Islam (الإسلام‎‎), His Prophet Muhammad (محمد‎‎) and The Quran every day.
If Android supports the language, the app can read aloud verses. You can send favorite verses to friends or share on a social network.
Quran translations: English, Türkçe, Bosanski, العربية, Azərbaycanca, Deutsch, فارسی, Français, हिन्दी, हिंदी, Indonesia, Български, Melayu, Italiano, Nederlands, Русский, Español, اردو.

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