Discover what it was like to Traverse within The Syntax. This installment of the currently 3 part experience is actually slated before Traverser3D and Traverser3D2: Isometric Island. Traverser3D3: The Syntax Escape Portrays the difficulty of living within a Glitched Reality....being able to see things without the glitz....seeing beyond the materialistic manifestations....seeing all the way to the actual creation of the stimulus....seeing without the natural eyes. So, is the Escape an escape from or TO The Syntax?
Tap screen to ascend and descend.
Remember, all is Mind....Individual Perception obscures Reality....and Realities, whether explored or desolate, are Infinite.
Tap screen to ascend and descend.
Remember, all is Mind....Individual Perception obscures Reality....and Realities, whether explored or desolate, are Infinite.
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