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Köln Arcaden

Unibail-Rodamco Germany
5,000+ downloads

About Köln Arcaden

The exciting world of Cologne arcades you can at any time and are currently experiencing on your smartphone and tablet. Our free app gives you all information about the shopping experience in Cologne Arcaden with something extra.

With the app, you can check the opening times and locations of all the shops, as well as view all the news about shopping offers and discount coupons. In our restaurants and cafés have in our food court choice and inform you about the culinary offerings in advance.

In addition, we present the latest trends from your favorite shopping center.

Our features for you:

Shop Overview: Find out about opening times, contact details and offers of our shops in the categories of fashion, leisure and entertainment or multimedia and technology.

Hunger? The app provides an overview and everything physical well for your comfort to suit every appetite. In our food court you have a choice: whether Asian, Italian-style cooking or - here's something for every taste right dish.

Centerplan: Orient yourself in the center with our plan. We will show you the right way!

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