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Spandau Arcaden

Unibail-Rodamco Germany
1,000+ downloads

About Spandau Arcaden

Welcome to the Spandau Arcades!
 Relaxed shopping guaranteed: A free download of the app, you now have the following benefits at your fingertips:
 • 120 shops and an unbeatable variety: fashion, technology, cosmetics, accessories or food. Go shopping and much more at Peek and Cloppenburg, Tk Maxx, H & M, Desigual, Hallhuber.
 • Check by simply entering the card number, the balance on your gift card.
 • Only two clicks away: the Spandau Arcades card. Benefit all year of great offers, exclusive discounts and services. Register now!
 • Stay connected with our news feed around the Spandau Arcades always up to date. To keep all current offers at a glance.
 • What's the quickest way to Saturn? Take advantage of the location function and the Center plan for getting around.
 • Find and always make your shopping without accompaniment Long Search using the "Meet my friends *" - function.
 • Where I again parked? Select the "Smart Car" function your car to retrieve it easily and quickly after shopping marathon.
 … and much more!

Spandau Arcaden Screenshots