• Are you fed up wondering where you left the car?
• Are you fed up with that little niggling voice wondering if it really is where you think you left it?
• Are you fed up worrying about leaving your car for an extended period?
Well, now you can leave all that behind thanks to Perfect Parking!
Perfect Parking is a revolutionary new app that is going to change the lives of car owners the world over!
When parking your car.
- Start the Perfect Parking app; let your phone or tablet connect to the GPS.
- If the 'Search' button is still active, press the reset button to activate the 'Park' button.
- Press the 'Park' button (the one with the car icon) and then turn off the app.
- Go enjoy your day/trip/event/festival.
To find your car.
- Start up the Perfect Parking app and press the 'Search' button.
- Follow the route straight back to your car. (You're the blue dot on the map and your car is parked by the green flag)
Don't forget to share (Options - share) with all your friends and contacts. You wouldn't want them to lose their car.
It couldn’t be simpler!
Perfect Parking is a global app; it will work wherever you are in the world.
So whether you’re just popping down to the store for some groceries or are traveling half way around the world on a grand adventure, make sure you enable Perfect Parking so you never lose track of your car again!
• Are you fed up with that little niggling voice wondering if it really is where you think you left it?
• Are you fed up worrying about leaving your car for an extended period?
Well, now you can leave all that behind thanks to Perfect Parking!
Perfect Parking is a revolutionary new app that is going to change the lives of car owners the world over!
When parking your car.
- Start the Perfect Parking app; let your phone or tablet connect to the GPS.
- If the 'Search' button is still active, press the reset button to activate the 'Park' button.
- Press the 'Park' button (the one with the car icon) and then turn off the app.
- Go enjoy your day/trip/event/festival.
To find your car.
- Start up the Perfect Parking app and press the 'Search' button.
- Follow the route straight back to your car. (You're the blue dot on the map and your car is parked by the green flag)
Don't forget to share (Options - share) with all your friends and contacts. You wouldn't want them to lose their car.
It couldn’t be simpler!
Perfect Parking is a global app; it will work wherever you are in the world.
So whether you’re just popping down to the store for some groceries or are traveling half way around the world on a grand adventure, make sure you enable Perfect Parking so you never lose track of your car again!
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