Flick Launcher Flick Launcher is a project created by Michele Lacorte.
You will find many ways to customise your interface, like a night mode, immersive mode, max size widgets, grid resizing, blur…
Change any text to the size, colour or font you like, and now even app animations!
And More...
- App Shortcuts
- Drawer
- Search bar
- Icons
- Notifications
- Dock
- Folders
- Pages
- Gestures
- Security
- Miscellaneous
Check out more details on: https://flicklauncher.com/features
So, what are you waiting for? Download Flick Launcher straight away!
Facebook page: https://fb.me/FlickLauncher
Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/flicklauncher
Our site: https://flicklauncher.com
FAQ: https://flicklauncher.com/faq.html
This app asks to become device administrator, but this is ONLY needed to lock the phone (using Flick Launcher’s gestures).
You will find many ways to customise your interface, like a night mode, immersive mode, max size widgets, grid resizing, blur…
Change any text to the size, colour or font you like, and now even app animations!
And More...
- App Shortcuts
- Drawer
- Search bar
- Icons
- Notifications
- Dock
- Folders
- Pages
- Gestures
- Security
- Miscellaneous
Check out more details on: https://flicklauncher.com/features
So, what are you waiting for? Download Flick Launcher straight away!
Facebook page: https://fb.me/FlickLauncher
Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/flicklauncher
Our site: https://flicklauncher.com
FAQ: https://flicklauncher.com/faq.html
This app asks to become device administrator, but this is ONLY needed to lock the phone (using Flick Launcher’s gestures).
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