Urdu English Keyboard - اردو icon

Urdu English Keyboard - اردو

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About Urdu English Keyboard - اردو

Urdu Keyboard - اردو کی بورڈ

Urdu Keyboard with offline Urdu dictionary is best for you if you want to text/send a message to friends and family in Urdu, Roman or English Urdu words suggestions.

اردو کی بورڈ کی مدد سے اردو زبان میں پیغام بھیجے۔

This easy Urdu keyboard 2022 is a complete Urdu keyboard with all words placed on the single qwerty Urdu keyboard. Now ending SMS in Urdu and Searching on google with Urdu is no longer difficult. With the help of this Urdu Keyboard application, you can also write English and roman without any hassle.

اردو کی بورڈ اردو لکھنے ، رومن اردو لکھنے ارو انگلش لکھنے کی سہولت مہیا کرتا ہے

Urdu Keyboard with Zer Zabar and Urdu words like Asslam-o-Alaikum, Bismillah, MashALLAH, JazakAllah has been enabled on Urdu keyboard اردو Editor. This keyboard app also has a feature of English Dictionary Offline and Urdu Dictionary Offline.

آسانی سے ٹائپ کریں رومن اردو میں اور وہ خود نستعلیق اردو الفاظ میں تبدیل ہو جائیں گے۔

Features of اردو Editor:
Optional Urdu layout. (ا ب پ)
اردو الفاظ والا کی بورڈ
Next word suggestions
اگلا لفظ خود بتائے
Shows Urdu as you type
ٹائپ کرتے ہوئے اردو دیکھئے
Ability to disable keyboard
English Keyboard with Dictionary and correction.
EMOJI keyboard added
اموجی کی بورڈ
Easy Paisa payment option for Pakistan
پاکستان کے لئے ایزی پیسہ کا آپشن
Send short messages, greetings and Islamic quotes using new Fori Peghaam feature
فوری پیغام کے ذریعے شارٹ میسیجز ، مبارک باد میسیجز اور اسلامک میسیجز بھیجے جا سکتے ہیں

A complete Urdu to English Keyboard works just like an Urdu to English trainer with Roman words support. You also can say it's on a full Urdu Keyboard with offline Urdu Dictionary. If you are looking for Urdu Keyboard for WhatsApp or Urdu keyboard typing for Facebook, this free Urdu Keyboard 2021 will be the best choice for you. Now you can easily access Urdu Keyboard in WhatsApp and chat with your friends in the Urdu language. Also, this Urdu keyboard with stylish layouts is compatible with all applications you can write Urdu in any application.

How to Use:

1- Select Urdu English Roman keyboard from the app.
2- Enable the Keyboard from the application.
3- Go to settings after selecting and enabling keyboard and turn on the suggestions as per your requirements and enjoy the free typing using Urdu English Roman Keyboard in actual Urdu font.

Easy Urdu is completely free. Optionally ads can be removed by purchasing.

Urdu English Keyboard - اردو Screenshots