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Maxim Vasilkov
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About Пятисотница

"On the Jesus Prayer is known to many Orthodox Christians. But often it
do not attach such importance it deserves, and yet this is the main,
key virtue around which everything revolves. If you use
Biblical way, this prayer can be compared to the ocean, which in
primitive times, before the flood washed all the earth, and watered it. Without
life-giving action of the Jesus prayer, this spiritual ocean, in man
nothing can grow, and the more fruit.
It is believed that doing the Jesus Prayer can only
monks and laity who every day are many worries, that's impossible. But
Take, for example, St. John of Kronstadt. What happened
the cause of his extraordinary prosperity? This little to say, but he was
doer of unceasing prayer. Since he was very zealous
Christian, took the unusual feat of service to others,
figuratively speaking, he became a monk among the world and to maintain discipline,
not to succumb to worldly and sinful thoughts, he needed emergency
tension forces. In addition, the devil raised up against him an extremely strong
blasphemous language, of which John's father sometimes says in his diaries.
Call to prayer Jesus made his need. And now, in addition to being
deducted required prayers every day and served a liturgy,
continually call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Although his father was John
among the people in vanity, he has maintained an internal note allows him
sobriety take care of yourself. Moreover, the permanent occupation of the Jesus Prayer
led him to a state of such extraordinary moral purity that,
times he beheld a presence of the Blessed Trinity.
So, a man who seeks salvation, we can give a quick tip:
"Pray!" This is the most important thing, and if people will do it, then gradually
and all the rest will come, as stated by the Savior Himself: "Seek first the kingdom
Heaven, and the rest will come to you. " The Jesus Prayer is the very
Kingdom of Heaven, which we need to look for. The Holy Fathers even call it the
only precious beads for which the merchant, that is just
Christian leaves all their wealth. This jewel, the Jesus Prayer, though
and small, but its value is great wealth. And this comparison,
of course, is true. In a brief prayer of Jesus, we really gain
full of action of grace.
For better memory you can give a very brief
instruction: you acquire attentive unceasing prayer of Jesus. About
These two properties prayer - unceasing and care - we must
care for the most, and with it will come, and all the rest. If we
we neglect this and think that we can and do some cunning
to fulfill the commandment of the Gospel, or a separate board of the holy fathers, we have nothing
will not work. This is only a dream. "
Schema-archimandrite Abraham (Rejdman)
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