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LearnLab Education

Vibal Group
1,000+ downloads

About LearnLab Education

LearnLab Education is Vibal's virtual learning service designed for students and teachers to support learning continuity among learners, anytime, anywhere.

From self-paced courses to self-contained classes, LearnLab Education provides learning that goes beyond and above the traditional classroom experience. This application allows students to access their courses, and class to-dos, and communicate with their teachers and classmates easily. This grants them access to Vibal's ebooks and other rich K-12-aligned supplementary learning resources. With all these, LearnLab Education is the learner's reliable study buddy as they achieve desired learning outcomes and academic goals.

LearnLab Education empowers and enables all learners.
To learn more about this virtual learning service, check our website: https://education.learnlab.ph.

LearnLab Education Screenshots