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Vibal Ryan

Vibal Group
100+ downloads

About Vibal Ryan

The Ryan app is a virtual assistant application developed and designed to ease the everyday life of Vibal Employees.

We can now enjoy real time notifications on SmartHr, OnBudget, WOLF and CRM requests.

o SmartHR
- Approvers will be able to receive real-time request notifications (Leave, Overtime and Undertime)
- Requestors will be able to receive real-time notifications whether their requests are approved, disapproved, or cancelled. (Leave, Overtime and Undertime)

o OnBudget
- Approvers will be able to receive real-time request notifications. (Budget Request and Reimbursement)
- Requestors will be able to receive real-time notifications whether their requests are approved or disapproved. (Budget Request and Reimbursement)

- Approvers will be able to receive real-time request notifications. (in whole Wolf Job Itinerary)
- Requestors will be able to receive real-time notifications whether their requests are approved or disapproved or cancelled. (in whole Wolf Job Itinerary)

- Requestors will be able to receive real-time notifications on their approved visit logs.
- Approver will be able to receive real-time notification from submitted visit logs.

Vibal Ryan Screenshots