This Simulation is Specifically for ASN CPNS Test Participants who Pass the Pasing Grade and will take the Next Test Namely Field Competency Test or Midwife Competency Selection in each Position taken.
This SKB simulation is specifically for Nurse Formations consisting of 320 Nursing Practice Case Questions.
Examples of CPNS / ASN SKB / TKB Nurses consist of various cases, among others
Surgical disease cases
Internal disease cases
Mental illness case
Case of Childhood Disease
Cases of Maternity Disease
Community Case
Gerontic cases
This SKB simulation is specifically for Nurse Formations consisting of 320 Nursing Practice Case Questions.
Examples of CPNS / ASN SKB / TKB Nurses consist of various cases, among others
Surgical disease cases
Internal disease cases
Mental illness case
Case of Childhood Disease
Cases of Maternity Disease
Community Case
Gerontic cases
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