One of the most popular works of Shripadaraja is madhvanama. This is a kannada poem extolling Vayu Devaru and his three incarnations. It follows the structure of Shri Hari-Vayu stuti and was composed by Shripadarajaru for the benefit of those who don't know sanskrit and / or are not allowed to recite the Vayu-stuti.
This app has two unique options
a. Learn/Listen to each shloka one by one, its meaning and discussion by experts or
b. Listen to all the shlokas in one stretch as a song.
Song is sung by Mrs. Pooja M Tayur (renowned classical singer).
This app has two unique options
a. Learn/Listen to each shloka one by one, its meaning and discussion by experts or
b. Listen to all the shlokas in one stretch as a song.
Song is sung by Mrs. Pooja M Tayur (renowned classical singer).
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