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Weather Center

Shide Driver
100+ downloads

About Weather Center

Weather Center provides you with accurate real-time weather, hourly forecast, daily forecast, radar graphics and other weather forecast information.
Real time weather information
We provide you with real-time weather forecasting services, including temperature, wind speed, hourly weather, daily weather, and more.
Weather warning
Once severe weather changes are about to occur, we will provide you with real-time weather warnings.
Future weather forecast
By providing you with accurate future weather forecasts through charts, you can intuitively see the trends of future weather.
Weather Details
Provide weather information such as body temperature, sunrise and sunset, humidity, ultraviolet ray, visibility, etc.
Weather radar
Convenient for you to view real-time radar and quickly browse weather forecast information.
city management
Automatically locate the current location, provide manual addition and removal of cities, and set the order of the city list.
Weather information units and format settings
Temperature units, wind speed units, pressure units, hour format, date format, etc
Suggestions and feedback
During the use process, any suggestions and opinions can be directly fed back to us.
Support for multiple languages
Download Weather Center now to experience real-time and accurate weather forecasting.
Life assistant, forever with you.
If you have any questions or suggestions during use, please feel free to provide us with feedback through the following email. We will do our best to provide better quality

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