Gif to WebP Converter Batch icon

Gif to WebP Converter Batch

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About Gif to WebP Converter Batch

Convert Batch Webp to Gif, Gif to Webp, Series of images to Animated Webp using Webp Tool

This App allows you to Convert any file to Animated Webp or Webp to other format in seconds with Batch Support.

You can also
change Speed and Add WATERMARK in your Gif and WebP

Animated Webp helps in optmizing and reducing image size with no quality loss.

Features of Animated Webp Converter

⭐ Convert Gif in Bulk or in Batch
⭐ Add Watermark in Webp or Gif
⭐ Change Speed of Gif or Webp Animation
Resize Gif Resolution
Compress Webp file when converting
⭐ Series of Images(Png, Jpg) to Animated WebP.
⭐ Convert from Webp to Gif or Create Webp using Gif
Extract Frames of Webp Animation
⭐ Convert Webp in seconds
⭐ Totally Free
⭐ Fully offline, No internet required
⭐ Easily share, file save in oraganize order
⭐ No Conversion limit
⭐ Animated Webp Maker

📁 All Converted files are saved in "Stoarge/Pictures/ WebPTool"

⭐ No Storage permission is required for Android 10 or above

⭐ Batch Webp Tool is fully compatible with Android 11.

- If anyone found any issue then please contact us at :

Gif to WebP Converter Batch Screenshots