The care in Centrum Lidingö offers medical care via video. You can meet a doctor, psychologist and conversation therapist via our video solution.
To be able to participate in a video call with us, you need to do the following:
Download and install the app on your mobile phone.
Approve that the app has access to a microphone and image.
Log in with a mobile BankID. If you do not have a mobile BankID, you can apply for it via your bank. At the time you have agreed with us on a meeting, we will call you.
To be able to participate in a video call with us, you need to do the following:
Download and install the app on your mobile phone.
Approve that the app has access to a microphone and image.
Log in with a mobile BankID. If you do not have a mobile BankID, you can apply for it via your bank. At the time you have agreed with us on a meeting, we will call you.
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