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About Xmania

Now relish the ultimate traditional smoking experience with Puff Bar Ireland and the best
disposable vape EU brands in the industry. There is literally not a single flavor that is not present
in this fabulous stock of premium disposable bars!
Purchase anything over 60€ & get free delivery anywhere in Ireland! You need to spend
200€ to apply for Free SHIPPING out of Ireland.
Xmania Vaping products contain nicotine which is highly addictive. If unsure please consult
your doctor. Do not use it if you are allergic to any ingredients. Our products are not intended
for use as nicotine replacement therapy. We make no claim that our products help to quit
smoking. Our products are intended for use by existing smokers aged 18 years or over as an
alternative to tobacco cigarettes. Not to be used by children. Keep locked up and out of
reach of children and pets.
Are you looking to delve into the world of CBD and see what it can do for you? You’ve come
to the right place! We sell an array of CBD oils, CBD edibles: sweets & gummies, CBD
Brownies & Cookies, CBD Disposable Vape Pen, CBD E-Liquids, CBD for pets and so much
more from our Ireland online store
As you may be aware, from 1st October 2015, a new law was implemented that bans the sale of
electronic cigarettes and vapor products that contain or can be used to deliver nicotine to all
individuals under the age of 18.
When you make your first purchase with us you will be asked for your date of birth and your age
will be verified. You will need to verify your age by a number of different options:
● Providing correct date of birth (it is your responsibility NOT TO LIE TO US)
● Providing credit card information

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