At Y-Axis get the best test-prep you need to excel in English proficiency and Standardized test i.e, I.E.L.T.S, P.T.E.
Y-Axis Coaching provides interactive test-prep services that give you a best-in-class learning experience delivered through LIVE online, and classroom training programs with state-of-the-art digital content and practice tools. We've adopted the best teaching methodologies which are time-tested, resulted oriented and delivered by our highly experienced and certified trainers to ace the test. We work closely with the test makers like the British Council and Pearson's to keep abreast with the testing techniques from time to time.
Y-Axis Coaching provides interactive test-prep services that give you a best-in-class learning experience delivered through LIVE online, and classroom training programs with state-of-the-art digital content and practice tools. We've adopted the best teaching methodologies which are time-tested, resulted oriented and delivered by our highly experienced and certified trainers to ace the test. We work closely with the test makers like the British Council and Pearson's to keep abreast with the testing techniques from time to time.
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