Baby Shower Trivia is the perfect game for any baby shower party. This Family Feud style game comes with 15 rounds of baby related questions. Perfect for a virtual baby shower party.
• 15 ready to play rounds
• Automatic scoreboard
• Superior graphics & animations
• Quality theme music & sound effects
Question Examples:
- Name something you might find in a babies crib.
- Name something you'll have less of when you have kids
- Name something a baby regularly puts in it's mouth
Zoom Game. Quarantine games. Lock down games.
• 15 ready to play rounds
• Automatic scoreboard
• Superior graphics & animations
• Quality theme music & sound effects
Question Examples:
- Name something you might find in a babies crib.
- Name something you'll have less of when you have kids
- Name something a baby regularly puts in it's mouth
Zoom Game. Quarantine games. Lock down games.
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