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About Counter

Are you looking for a fast and easy way to count and track things? Look no further than Counter – the ultimate tally app. With Counter, you can count and track anything with just a few taps. It can help you keep track of everything. Whether you are counting people, items, or anything else, Counter is the perfect tool for the job.

Whether you're counting people, items, or anything else, Counter is the perfect tool for the job. With its simple interface, you can create as many counters as you need, each with its own name, color, and value. Plus, you can add or subtract from your counters with a simple tap or swipe. You can even customize the app's interface with different themes and layouts. Counter also includes a variety of tally modes, including manual, automatic, and sound, so you can choose the one that works best for you.

Counter is completely free to use.

Counter Screenshots