LetMix für Scrabble, Wordfeud icon

LetMix für Scrabble, Wordfeud

Bo Peters
10+ downloads

About LetMix für Scrabble, Wordfeud

If you are not sure that a word in Scrabble or Wordfeud is spelled correctly, helps LetMix.

If you want to have a little help to find valid words from the letters that you have got in Scrabble (or Wordfeud) LetMix help again.

LetMix is ​​a fast and simple word-checker application. Use it for Scrabble, Wordfeud or for one of the many other letter games.

Enter your letters (and possibly empty) into the application, press the search button; LetMix will immediately find all valid words.

You can also select the first letter of the words, letters contained the words and / or final letters of words.

Buttons and texts that are easy to understand
Quick search in dictionary
You can use more than the classic 7 letters
Use? if you have an empty tile
Select Start letter - as it now fits on the board
Select letters contained - as it now fits on the board
Select ending letters - as it now fits on the board

It's all right on your phone / tablet, is not dependent on connection to the "network". LetMix acts in Ibiza, Gran Canaria, or for that matter on the moon (where the coverage is likely to remain for many years badly).

Postscript 1: Please be a little patient when you first install, because it can take up to 5 minutes before LetMix is ​​ready.

Postscript 2: LetMix dictionary contains many words, so please be aware that it may suggest words that can not be used, for example in Wordfeud.

LetMix für Scrabble, Wordfeud Screenshots