EngCross crossword helper icon

EngCross crossword helper

Bo Peters
50+ downloads

About EngCross crossword helper

EngCross is a very simple and easy to use crossword helper/solver.

-Select the type of search (X for crossword, = for synonym).
-Select the length of the word (the 7-button) that you are looking for.
-Enter the letters/characters that you know (if any) or enter a synonym.

Press the search button (the magnifying glass) and EngCross will quickly find all words that matches your mask.

All crosswords are categorized. This means that you can narrow down your search to one or more categories. Simply start typing your category (eg. Islands) in the category field, and select it from the list.

If needed you can continue to type and select categories in order to search in several categories.

Or you can leave the category field empty, in order to search all the categories.

-More than 270.000 crosswords
-More than 30.000 synonym entries
-More than 2.500.000 synonyms
-Easy user interface
-Nice looking user interface
-Extremely fast
-No ads
-No online access needed

Everything is stored directly on your phone or tablet, so no need for any type of connection. In other words - you are free to use the application anywhere - on an Ibiza beach, by the pool in Grand Canarias or on the Moon where no satisfactory mobile coverage is expected in a foreseeable future.

Note: Please be patient first time installing. It can take up to 60 seconds to create the dictionary.

EngCross crossword helper Screenshots