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Butznickel Nr. 5

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About Butznickel Nr. 5

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- Higher resolution in zoom mode
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- Page selection by scrolling preview image menu
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From the contents:

Keltenfürst in luxury grave
Near the city of Lavau in Troyes (Aube Dept.) in eastern France Champagne discovered a grave archaeologists. This exceptionally appointed Celtic princely grave was the final resting place of a ochgestellten personality from the Hallstatt period. Read the full article with many photos ...

Hadrian's heir
The 1st chairman Hartmut Hartmann had invited to this Extraordinary General Meeting on the Ronneburg. Read now all about the resolution ...

German probe goers Union
The German probe goers Union (DSU), the protective association of the probe-goers in Germany, was founded in early 2015 and since then has been detectorists as a competent partner in all
Questions about probe Go for detectorists, press and conservation authorities.
Read more information in the article ...

Franken part 2
About half a year after the incredible hoard my Garret Pinpointer, (as reported in Butznickel No.4 treasure hunter magazine) wanted my brother in law and I see what we had to do at that time because of our only half equipment, the bad weather and the low time , Now read more ...

Metal Detector Fisher F19 Ltd.
End of 2014 the company Fisher Research Labs surprised the viewfinder community with a new metal detector - the F19 Ltd. This high-tech detector in practical camouflage design is supposed to be delivering outstanding metal discrimination is a specialist in high-scrapped flooring. The editors of the magazine Butznickel treasure hunter has the F19 Ltd. therefore extensively tested for you.

Bomb Fund in Obertshausen
A probe-goers reported: We had, as I said, no time and even drove a short distance, we wanted only times quickly test my professional device. In The Forest arrived, the device beeped every 2 meters and we only found scrap iron. My upper body was shaking with loud palpitations. That had to be a decent size, perhaps a treasure? ....

The Barbarian Treasure Process
25/02/2015 - 9 clock - Amtsgericht Frankenthal
Trial originating from Speyer 22 years "Sondelpowerbenny" Benjamin Czerny, Finder of so-called. "Barbarian treasure". The team from Butznickel was live.

Terms to:
§ judgment: coins usually have no archaeological value
§ Wild cameras

The Big Pinpointer test
We have tested this Pinpointer:
XPointer Detektnix, White's - BULLSEYE TRX,
Garrett Pro Pointer AT, MINELAB PRO Find 25 Nokta Pointer

Metal Detector Macro Racer
To our surprise, appeared in 2015 a new brand on the German market with the detector information that the known Turkish company Nokta should have acquired the Turkish company macro. First appeared the "macro Pointer" in the range German dealer for metal detectors and it transpired that the same manufacturer also wanted to bring out its own metal detector. The macro Racer! We tested him ...

Treasure Seekers meeting in Bree / Belgium 2015
Metal detector users Rally in Belgium! Wow - what an event! With the two treasure hunters Tim "Ringmaster" Saylor and George "King George" Wyant from the TV series "Diggers". Since the Butznickler had to be there to tell the folks back home about it at least can. Read the detailed report with many photos ...

Opinion leader for 'barbarians TREASURE "judgment
Report and analysis of a survey of Raimund Karl,
March 2015 Prifysgol Bangor University
Raimund Karl took the judgment for "barbarian treasure" as an opportunity to conduct a survey on the Internet.

Read the conclusions of the analysis ...

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