An app to count the life of a "Magic The Gathering"-Game.
- Count life in 1 and 10 (long press) steps
- A timer, that you know how long the game takes
- The menu closes automatically after 10 seconds
- A selection which player begins a new game
- At start the layout for the amount of player will be shown that was selected the last time
- A option to start a new game
- A option to select the start-life
- A counter for poison, energy and commander damage
- Count life in 1 and 10 (long press) steps
- A timer, that you know how long the game takes
- The menu closes automatically after 10 seconds
- A selection which player begins a new game
- At start the layout for the amount of player will be shown that was selected the last time
- A option to start a new game
- A option to select the start-life
- A counter for poison, energy and commander damage
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