freenet Internet: An Internet that means freedom.
We have the right tariff for everyone at home or on the go within Germany.
Get to know the freenet Internet tariffs now.
freenet Internet LTE
- Internet for at home and on the go within Germany
- Unlimited data volume with up to 15 Mbit/s
- Fast installation without technician
- Optional router available with free shipping
freenet Internet DSL
- Surfing with up to 250 Mbit/s, depending on tariff selection
- Stable & reliable DSL Internet from the landline
- Internet only, no landline telephony
- Change service: we take care of your change of provider
- Optional router available with free shipping
No matter which tariff you choose, one thing is certain:
- You have the freedom to leave at any time, because freenet Internet can be canceled monthly with a minimum term of only one month
- Internet without frills
- You only pay for what you really need: Internet - no telephony
- You do everything in one app: order, manage, set up and cancel
Do the availability check in the app and we will show you which internet is available for you.
We have the right tariff for everyone at home or on the go within Germany.
Get to know the freenet Internet tariffs now.
freenet Internet LTE
- Internet for at home and on the go within Germany
- Unlimited data volume with up to 15 Mbit/s
- Fast installation without technician
- Optional router available with free shipping
freenet Internet DSL
- Surfing with up to 250 Mbit/s, depending on tariff selection
- Stable & reliable DSL Internet from the landline
- Internet only, no landline telephony
- Change service: we take care of your change of provider
- Optional router available with free shipping
No matter which tariff you choose, one thing is certain:
- You have the freedom to leave at any time, because freenet Internet can be canceled monthly with a minimum term of only one month
- Internet without frills
- You only pay for what you really need: Internet - no telephony
- You do everything in one app: order, manage, set up and cancel
Do the availability check in the app and we will show you which internet is available for you.
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