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Pizza Kurier Gütersloh
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About Pizza Kurier Gütersloh

Pizza Kurier - your delivery service in Gütersloh You can order snacks, burgers, Indian, salads and have them delivered or pick them up directly at Pizza Kurier!
You can order hearty delicacies quickly and securely online from our Pizza Courier delivery service in Gütersloh. We have more than 332 dishes: Chicken Tikka Masala, Gorgonzola Schnitzel, Tomato Salad, Tortellini al Forno for € 4.00. Or our lunch specials like lunch specials pizza, lunch specials pasta. Our 7 top hits The opening times

Whether or not: the schnitzel at Pizza Kurier Gütersloh is always an absolute pleasure! Fine and juicy schnitzel dishes are available here at Pizza Kurier to order online. Gypsy schnitzel with gypsy sauce, mushroom schnitzel is available here online for just 8.10 euros, schnitzel Hollandaise 200g turkey schnitzel - with french fries or croquettes you can buy here online for just 8.40 €, hunter schnitzel with hunter sauce, crispy and hot gorgonzola schnitzel You can order good Schnitzel Bolognese for € 8.60, Cream Schnitzel (€ 7.80), the most excellent Hawaii Schnitzel to bring you, absolutely juicy chanterelle schnitzel.

Vegetables and co. Simply taste better with gratin - casseroles at Pizza Kurier Gütersloh casseroles in 18 tempting variations are also in our range. Macaroni Italiano al Forno is available for € 3.90-7.70, Pizza Kurier has Vitamin Bomb Casserole for just € 7.20, Tortellini al Forno is available for € 4.00-8, broccoli Vegetaria casserole, pasta mista al forno, chicken casserole, tasty potato broccoli casserole can be delivered to you for 7.20 euros, macaroni broccoli al forno can be delivered to you at a price of 3.90 - 7.70 €.

Your Pizza Kurier team in 33332 Gütersloh

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