Stay connected with your loved ones and share memories.
Upload images and videos to share your memories. Stay connected with the automated FTP sync. Simplified upload to make sharing easy.
This app turns your phone or tablet into a digital picture frame and let's you send images and videos to the picture frames. However, it is a bit different from other digital picture frames out there.
The key features are:
• sync with a remote content source via FTP (account not included)
• playback of videos is supported (w/ advanced configuration options)
• share files from within the app
• delete remote files from within the app
• customizeable screen locking
• highly configurable (e.g. scheduleable screen dimming)
• designed for unattended & reliable operation
• designed to be deployed in a non-tech savy environment (customizable screen locking, autostart on boot, on charger connect, autostop on charger disconnected)
Caution: This app requires a remote SFTP server to work. If you do not have one, you need to set one up first. Most web hosters offer this as a service. Memorama will ask you for your FTP username an password at the first launch and you cannot use the app without.
Step by step guide:
Install this app on a device that you want to use as digital picture frame
You can e.g. choose to repurpose an old unused tablet. Supported are devices which run at least Android 5 (Lollipop) or FireOS 5. Memorama's configuration options allow you to fully turn the device into a picture frame, e.g. by making the app autostart on boot time. All digital picture frames sync the latest images and videos from the web automatically.
Install this app on a device that you want to use for uploading images
You can use the Share button of other apps to upload images and video from any app to the digital picture frames. There is no need for any other FTP client or file manager.
Configure FTP settings
Memorama does not show your local media, instead it downloads and syncs the media from FTP cloud storage. You need a user account with read and write access, select a directory for Memorama to use and sufficient storage space. If you don't have it yet, you need to obtain an FTP server on your own. But don't worry, many web hosters offer such services.
Upload images or videos
Your digital picture frame is ready to use. Upload content and enjoy!
Pro version advantages
• configure slide duration
• no upload restriction (the free version is limited to one upload a week and 10 initial unrestricted uploads)
• additional settings such as slide order, screen dimming, etc
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