With this app you can analyze the EXIF metadata within your pictures. This will help you to gain insights on your favorite gear or your most common camera settings.
You can select any folders on your device. I.e. you can analyze the photos taken with your internal camera, or you can choose a folder which contains photos downloaded from your compact camera, DSLR, MILC.
Most modern camera store exif metadata tags within the JPEG or RAW files. The tags contain information like the shutter speed, the focal length or the camera make and model you used. This app presents you these tags as charts and as a table.
Wonder if you should invest into a new ultra wide angle or prime lens? Use this app to find out how much you used that focal length in the past!
★ Summary of favorite gear and settings
★ Timeline (days, weeks, months, years)
★ Bar charts for certain camera settings
★ Tabular view of all EXIF data
★ Gallery view of all images
★ Single image view with a list of all supported EXIF tags
★ Filter: filter analyzed and displayed images by date range
★ camera model
★ lens model
★ focal length
★ exposure time
★ f-stop
★ iso
★ white balance
★ orientation
★ sharpness
★ exposure mode
★ exposure program
★ GPS altitude
★ GPS latitude
★ GPS longitude
★ artist
★ copyright
★ user comment
★ image unique ID
★ body serial number
★ lens serial number
Note: the extent of EXIF tag support is subject to your camera manufacturer; i.e. the values can only be displayed if your camera actually recorded them.
You can select any folders on your device. I.e. you can analyze the photos taken with your internal camera, or you can choose a folder which contains photos downloaded from your compact camera, DSLR, MILC.
Most modern camera store exif metadata tags within the JPEG or RAW files. The tags contain information like the shutter speed, the focal length or the camera make and model you used. This app presents you these tags as charts and as a table.
Wonder if you should invest into a new ultra wide angle or prime lens? Use this app to find out how much you used that focal length in the past!
Exif Photo Insights Features
★ Summary of favorite gear and settings
★ Timeline (days, weeks, months, years)
★ Bar charts for certain camera settings
★ Tabular view of all EXIF data
★ Gallery view of all images
★ Single image view with a list of all supported EXIF tags
★ Filter: filter analyzed and displayed images by date range
Supports more than 50 EXIF tags, e.g.:
★ camera model
★ lens model
★ focal length
★ exposure time
★ f-stop
★ iso
★ white balance
★ orientation
★ sharpness
★ exposure mode
★ exposure program
★ GPS altitude
★ GPS latitude
★ GPS longitude
★ artist
★ copyright
★ user comment
★ image unique ID
★ body serial number
★ lens serial number
Note: the extent of EXIF tag support is subject to your camera manufacturer; i.e. the values can only be displayed if your camera actually recorded them.
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