Hear a number of Danish radio channels and some in Esperanto.
You can also watch TV from DR cast it
- Overview of TV broadcasts
- See live broadcasts
- Searching in all Serials (only those that have content that can be played)
- It is fast :-)
- Chromecast (currently only on TV)
- Right now, press the blue Play icon to see a show - or else one hears only the sound
- Chromecast radio
- Subtitles
- Favorites
- to eliminate the other menu items
- add more TV and radio channels from different sources
The app is open source and can be found on https://github.com/nordfalk/EsperantoRadio
TV portion is developed by Niclas Heltoft in spring 2017 as part of the course Advanced mobile application programming DTU Diploma.
You can also watch TV from DR cast it
- Overview of TV broadcasts
- See live broadcasts
- Searching in all Serials (only those that have content that can be played)
- It is fast :-)
- Chromecast (currently only on TV)
- Right now, press the blue Play icon to see a show - or else one hears only the sound
- Chromecast radio
- Subtitles
- Favorites
- to eliminate the other menu items
- add more TV and radio channels from different sources
The app is open source and can be found on https://github.com/nordfalk/EsperantoRadio
TV portion is developed by Niclas Heltoft in spring 2017 as part of the course Advanced mobile application programming DTU Diploma.
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