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Ecuaciones de primer grado

Apps Educativas
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About Ecuaciones de primer grado

The "Educational Apps" applications are digital educational resources that help the teacher in the proposal of exercises and monitor the student's learning process. These applications can be used in the classroom as a strategy for learning mathematics.
The “First Degree Equations” application offers simple exercises on linear or first degree equations. It consists of 3 options: Exercises 1 presents linear equations where the solutions are positive integers, Exercises 2 where the solutions can be positive and negative integers and the Problems option, where exercises on the application of first degree equations with simple problems are presented. .
Each exercise consists of 10 levels that are activated when you perform 5 correct exercises in series, each time you go up the levels the difficulty increases.
In some levels, help examples are provided so that the student has a guide on how to solve the proposed equations.

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