Sistema De Ecuaciones 2x2 icon

Sistema De Ecuaciones 2x2

Apps Educativas
5,000+ downloads

About Sistema De Ecuaciones 2x2

The applications of "Educational Apps" are oriented to develop them in the classroom as an educational resource that helps the teacher in proposing exercises and monitoring the student's learning process.
The application "2x2 System of Equations" offers exercise on 3 levels:
Basic Level: The solutions are whole.
Intermediate level: the solutions are with fractional.
Advanced Level: Exercises with fractional coefficients
For the basic level.
If the system has infinite solutions, 00 must be placed.
If the system has no solution, the minus sign "-" must be placed.
For the intermediate and advanced level.
If the system has null solutions, 0/1 must be placed.
If the system has infinite solutions, 0/0 must be placed.
If the system has no solution, 1/0 must be placed.

Sistema De Ecuaciones 2x2 Screenshots