My Church is a tool for the Pastor to have all the data of the congregation in one place, Income, Egress, Tithes.
- Register each member of the church with their personal data such as: Name, Address, Telephone, Birthday.
- Register Baptisms, Marriages, Presentation of Children and their respective photographs so that they remain as memories forever.
If you have any questions or suggestions do not hesitate to write to our WhatsApp (you will find the button in the 3 dots on the upper right), right there you will find a link to the privacy policies.
Demo Account for testing.
key: keytest
If you have any problem do not hesitate to contact us: +593968904090.
- Register each member of the church with their personal data such as: Name, Address, Telephone, Birthday.
- Register Baptisms, Marriages, Presentation of Children and their respective photographs so that they remain as memories forever.
If you have any questions or suggestions do not hesitate to write to our WhatsApp (you will find the button in the 3 dots on the upper right), right there you will find a link to the privacy policies.
Demo Account for testing.
key: keytest
If you have any problem do not hesitate to contact us: +593968904090.
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