A CALL FOR THE LAST DAYS ... In this application you will know the frofecias for the last days ... we invite you to know them
The world is so fast that we can hardly keep up with the news. They have such a powerful speed that one is surpassing the other and even the most impressive tragedies are soon forgotten because other worse ones arise. Thus, we lose the capacity for wonder and reaction to this daily increase in pain and suffering. The good news is that that will not happen forever because God, from his serenity, is in control of all things.
We were called directly by him to proclaim the blessed hope to this confused world, and we must carry out a great effort to put it before the eyes and hearts of people.
This is just an adaptation of God's call for these days that is presented by Ellen White in the book Events of the last days. There are many other precious quotes in this book, and for you to know them better we prepare this special selection of prophetic words for the last days.
The themes are not presented in chronological form, but the prophecies and the most important moments that the church will live before the return of Jesus stand out. At each appointment we can see a sovereign God who acts in history, and recognize our prophetic role of giving the world a final message of opportunity and hope.
This theme is the basis of study and reflection for the 10 days of prayer and 10 hours of fasting.
Moreover, it has to be part of our daily reflection and action, before a dying world; we are a people that have to rise powerfully to announce the message of the three angels (Rev. 14), which must be proclaimed urgently. It will be a walk of communion and preparation for the last days.
Let us study together, in prayer, with humility, deepening our communion with God, strengthening our relationship, to end the mission. That, like all the members of the tribe of Issachar, we can be “experts in the knowledge of the times” and know what we have to do, and that these words and acts are followed by all (1 Chron. 12:32) :
“The Lord is coming. We hear the footsteps of an approaching God [...]. We must prepare the way by playing our part in preparing a people for this great day ”(Evangelism, p. 163). Maranata!
The world is so fast that we can hardly keep up with the news. They have such a powerful speed that one is surpassing the other and even the most impressive tragedies are soon forgotten because other worse ones arise. Thus, we lose the capacity for wonder and reaction to this daily increase in pain and suffering. The good news is that that will not happen forever because God, from his serenity, is in control of all things.
We were called directly by him to proclaim the blessed hope to this confused world, and we must carry out a great effort to put it before the eyes and hearts of people.
This is just an adaptation of God's call for these days that is presented by Ellen White in the book Events of the last days. There are many other precious quotes in this book, and for you to know them better we prepare this special selection of prophetic words for the last days.
The themes are not presented in chronological form, but the prophecies and the most important moments that the church will live before the return of Jesus stand out. At each appointment we can see a sovereign God who acts in history, and recognize our prophetic role of giving the world a final message of opportunity and hope.
This theme is the basis of study and reflection for the 10 days of prayer and 10 hours of fasting.
Moreover, it has to be part of our daily reflection and action, before a dying world; we are a people that have to rise powerfully to announce the message of the three angels (Rev. 14), which must be proclaimed urgently. It will be a walk of communion and preparation for the last days.
Let us study together, in prayer, with humility, deepening our communion with God, strengthening our relationship, to end the mission. That, like all the members of the tribe of Issachar, we can be “experts in the knowledge of the times” and know what we have to do, and that these words and acts are followed by all (1 Chron. 12:32) :
“The Lord is coming. We hear the footsteps of an approaching God [...]. We must prepare the way by playing our part in preparing a people for this great day ”(Evangelism, p. 163). Maranata!
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