▲ ▲ Do not know which movie to watch tonight? ▲ ▲
With "Movies to see", enter a movie you like and find movies that are like him, with actors or filmmakers like.
Each film includes a synopsis - Allociné - the list of directors and actors, a note and if available the trailer directly playable on smartphone or tablet.
You have no idea of the film? The "ideas" button selects you the most popular movies to the public. You are sure to have a good time.
A terribly practical application.
With "Movies to see", enter a movie you like and find movies that are like him, with actors or filmmakers like.
Each film includes a synopsis - Allociné - the list of directors and actors, a note and if available the trailer directly playable on smartphone or tablet.
You have no idea of the film? The "ideas" button selects you the most popular movies to the public. You are sure to have a good time.
A terribly practical application.
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