Mechanical engineering mcqs is an android application for mechanical engineering students and professionals. It is very user friendly. It contains topic wise mcqs. The topics in this application are
>>Computer and microprocessor
>>Design of machine elements
>>Engineering mechanics
>>Fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines
>>General engineering
>>Internal combustion engines and automobile engineering
>>Mechanical measurements
>>Power plant engineering and energy conversion
>>Production management and industrial engineering
>>Refrigeration and air-conditioning
>>Steam boilers
Click on the topic name, quiz will start.
>>Computer and microprocessor
>>Design of machine elements
>>Engineering mechanics
>>Fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines
>>General engineering
>>Internal combustion engines and automobile engineering
>>Mechanical measurements
>>Power plant engineering and energy conversion
>>Production management and industrial engineering
>>Refrigeration and air-conditioning
>>Steam boilers
Click on the topic name, quiz will start.
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