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Testo Quiz App

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About Testo Quiz App

MCQs for Exams is the perfect quiz app for anyone who wants to prepare for any type of exam, whether it's for a job or for school. With over 50000+ mcqs questions and answers, you're sure to find the perfect questions to help you ace your next exam. Now you can set your own timing and quiz questions numbering. If you are searching for following questions than this app is for you.

How to get government job?
How to clear competitive Exam?
How to find job?
How to learn mcqs?

Job Test Preparation MCQs App

Testo is a test preparation and pak mcqs quizz application for practicing ppsc, kpsc, spsc, bpsc, nts, mdcat, ecat, fpsc, css, ets and other Pakistan competition exams. This application is very user freindly for our users. Users can report wrong questions also. The best part of application, testo quiz app is offline, there is no need of internet to use. Testo app is basically has four options, Pakistan mcqs, Pakistan current affairs, Pakistan jobs and admissions and latest tests practice material.

New MCQs 2023

You can prepare yourself for Fpsc Test Preparation 2023, FIA Test preparation, FIA Sub Inspector test preparation, NTS test preparation 2023, PPSC Test Preparation 2023. Also for KKPSC test preparation, SPSC test preparation 2023, Bpsc Test, Ots test preparation. Other than these you can also do quizzes according to your time frame. Indian tests are also created in this quiz app which includes UTS test preparation, PTS test preparation, CTS test book 2023, Ats Test, ETEA test mcqs 2023,gate test mcqs 2023.

Online Medical Entry Test Preparation Academy

Other medical entrance test mcqs with etea mcqs, mdcat medical test preparation, entry test preparation for medical mcat, entry test preparation for engineering ecat, aptitude test preparation 2023, and other testing agencies of Pakistan.

MCQs & Quiz App Offline

Testo App has a variety of mcqs based on various topics like general knowledge, Pakistan Studies, Pakistan current affairs. If you relate to any other is Islamiyat, Everyday Science, basic computer etc. Too many other fields such as engineering, basic sciences, Medicals etc are also covered in this mcqs app.

This application has following subjects quiz.

📚 English MCQs
📚 General Knowledge MCQs
📚 Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs
📚 World Current Affairs MCQs
📚 Pak Study MCQs
📚 Islamic Studies MCQs
📚 Computer Mcqs
📚 Everyday Science Mcqs
📚 Physics Mcqs
📚 Chemistry Mcqs
📚 Biology Mcqs

Engineering MCQs

💡 Electrical Engineering Mcqs Quiz
💡 Civil Engineering Mcqs Quiz
💡 Mechanical Engineering Mcqs Quiz
💡 Chemical Engineering Mcqs Quiz
💡 Software Engineering Mcqs Quiz

You can use this App for free and prepare your self for competitive exams by attempting latest newly added question. We daily update the main Categories of this App with new Pak Mcqs and Quizzes. Following are the features of this mcqs app:

🌟 Now you can prepare for Mcqs and take the Quiz from practiced Mcqs.
🌟 You can check your Progress after completion of any Quiz and get certificate.
🌟 Practice Quiz of Latest and newly added Questions.

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