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PmCode PDA Raktár

PmCode Kft
10+ downloads

About PmCode PDA Raktár

In the case of every company that manages inventory, it is a basic need to immediately know accurate information about a product in the warehouse or in the sales area:
What is the sale price? How much should it be based on the register according to the machine? If there is not as much in reality as according to the machine, then the register should be corrected immediately... And the end-of-year inventory is a lengthy and tiring job that everyone wants to get over as soon as possible.

The PmCode PDA Warehouse application, which is an additional module of the PmCode NextStep company management system, provides a solution to these problems.

The main task of the package is to support inventory management processes:
- providing immediate product information
- quick inspection of the stock, coordination and correction of the mid-year prompt
- faster and more accurate execution of year-end inventories

As an additional function, it is possible to:
- to stock incoming goods
- to carry out warehouse expenses (preparation of receipts, delivery notes, invoices)
- for picking customer orders

The program is optimized for PDAs with a built-in barcode reader. It primarily identifies products based on barcodes, but it is also possible to search by article number, factory article number and name fragment.
It is not functional by itself, the PmCode NextStep desktop program package is essential for its use!

Terms of use:
PmCode NextStep version 1.23.6 (or higher).
Continuous data connection with the PmCode Mobile Server installed on your central computer

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