BTKI 2017 icon

BTKI 2017

Gookkis Studio
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About BTKI 2017

Indonesia Customs Tariff Book 2017 (BTKI 2017) is an application that can be used to find HS (Harmonized System).

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia has issued Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) Number 6 / PMK.010 / 2017 on Stipulation of Goods Classification and Imposition of Import Duty Tariff on Imported Goods. This PMK was established on January 26, 2017, enacted on 27 January 2017 and came into force on March 1, 2017. This rule is the foundation of the use of BTKI 2017. From that date all the filling of the customs notification be it PIB, PEB or BC23 and income and expense notices Other goods must use HS Code with digit 8, from the previous 10 digits.

What you need to know:
1. World Customs Organitation (WCO), is a worldwide customs organization that regulates and implements multilateral agreements on customs.
2. Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System or better known as Harmonized System (HS) is an international standard of naming and numbering system used for clarification of trade products and derivatives managed by WCO.
3. Asean Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN) is a goods clarification system that is applied uniformly in ASEAN member countries. The implementation of the AHTN classification structure based on the Governinng the implementation of the Asean Harmonized Nomenclature protocol.
4. Indonesia National Single Windows (INSW) is a nationally integrated electronic system that can be accessed through the Internet (public-network) network, which will integrate information related to the process of handling customs documents and other documents related to import-export , Which ensures the security of data and information and automatically integrates the flow and information process among internal systems, including customs, licensing, port / airport systems and other systems related to the service process and supervision of import-export activities. Look on the web. Http://

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