NZ.TECH JWS. Equipped with features:
Prayer time settings, accuracy calculations according to local geographic coordinates, Mosque / Musholla name entry, clock time synchronization according to your Android phone, Hijri date correction, custom Dzuhur and Asr prayer times according to mosque needs (local area conditions), beeb (buzzer) as marker for prayer time entry, adjustment of iqomah pause time and waiting time during prayer, text entry (running text 12 entries) can be filled with exclamations, hadiths, announcements, mosque balances etc.,
For the Mp3 menu, either the Rowatib Prayer schedule or the Friday Prayer, besides being able to ON / OFF the MP3 menu, is also equipped with several choices of tartil verses (KH.MUAMMAR ZA) which are played a few minutes before the adhan prayer is echoed. Also play manual 30 Juz Al Quran MP3 whenever you want MP3 to be played at any time.
Prayer time settings, accuracy calculations according to local geographic coordinates, Mosque / Musholla name entry, clock time synchronization according to your Android phone, Hijri date correction, custom Dzuhur and Asr prayer times according to mosque needs (local area conditions), beeb (buzzer) as marker for prayer time entry, adjustment of iqomah pause time and waiting time during prayer, text entry (running text 12 entries) can be filled with exclamations, hadiths, announcements, mosque balances etc.,
For the Mp3 menu, either the Rowatib Prayer schedule or the Friday Prayer, besides being able to ON / OFF the MP3 menu, is also equipped with several choices of tartil verses (KH.MUAMMAR ZA) which are played a few minutes before the adhan prayer is echoed. Also play manual 30 Juz Al Quran MP3 whenever you want MP3 to be played at any time.
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