Oil Palm is promoted in India as an irrigated crop. Irrigation is one the most critical input for successful oil palm cultivation. Water deficits create stress mostly during sex determination and anthesis, which could adversely affect its yield. Hence, irrigation should be given to ensure adequate soil moisture throughout the year for realizing potential crop yields.
In this app, water requirement for adult oil palm (more than 3 years) has been calculated based on 60 years data on potential evapo-transpiration and crop factor for oil palm growing mandals of different districts of Andhra Pradesh. Using this app, the oil palm grower can know the amount of water to be given for a palm of a particular mandal in district on a given day/week/month.
In this app, water requirement for adult oil palm (more than 3 years) has been calculated based on 60 years data on potential evapo-transpiration and crop factor for oil palm growing mandals of different districts of Andhra Pradesh. Using this app, the oil palm grower can know the amount of water to be given for a palm of a particular mandal in district on a given day/week/month.
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