Vocabulary builder app with over 1800 English words. Learn English words with simple and interesting sentences. Play multiplayer vocabulary game and improve your English. Learn new words with daily notifications. Best English sentence dictionary app.
★ Multiplayer Vocabulary game
★ Barron's 800 words with sentences from movie and book plots
★ Learn one new word daily. Daily notification to improve your vocabulary.
★ Barron's 300 words with sentences
★ 1000 most common English words with sentences to prepare for IELTS
★ Create your own custom word lists
★ Make your own sentences for each word and read later
★ Improve your English vocabulary with words game and sentence dictionary
★ Word usage in sentences from movies and book plots
★ Free ESL game to help teachers in classroom learning
★ Learn English words with sentences daily. Read to improve your English skills with other non-native English speakers
★ English Help forum. Learn with others using our discussion forum
★ Daily English stories to improve English and build your vocabulary
★ Find word references and discuss in English help forum
Word in Sentences app: Learn correct usage of English words using easy to understand example sentences. Useful for non-native English speakers, ESL (English as second language), IELTS, GRE, GMAT, SAT, CAT, Bank PO, SSC, CGL, CSS, IAS exam aspirants. Best English reading app for beginners as well as advanced users. Increase your reading speed by practicing daily. Learn correct usage of difficult words. English words with meaning and sentences. Practice English reading for free.
You can also visit our website which has over hundred thousand sentences for more than ten thousand English words: https://buildmyvocab.in/
English learning resource focusing on many things such as TOEFL, TOEIC, EFL, ESL, ELT, ESOL, TEFL, TEFL, TESOL, English as a Second Language, English as a 2nd Language, English as a Foreign Language, English learner, English language study dyslexia. English vocabulary for competitive exams, kids, beginners as well as adults.
This app is offered by "Build My Vocab: Make learning Simpler & fun"
★ Multiplayer Vocabulary game
★ Barron's 800 words with sentences from movie and book plots
★ Learn one new word daily. Daily notification to improve your vocabulary.
★ Barron's 300 words with sentences
★ 1000 most common English words with sentences to prepare for IELTS
★ Create your own custom word lists
★ Make your own sentences for each word and read later
★ Improve your English vocabulary with words game and sentence dictionary
★ Word usage in sentences from movies and book plots
★ Free ESL game to help teachers in classroom learning
★ Learn English words with sentences daily. Read to improve your English skills with other non-native English speakers
★ English Help forum. Learn with others using our discussion forum
★ Daily English stories to improve English and build your vocabulary
★ Find word references and discuss in English help forum
Word in Sentences app: Learn correct usage of English words using easy to understand example sentences. Useful for non-native English speakers, ESL (English as second language), IELTS, GRE, GMAT, SAT, CAT, Bank PO, SSC, CGL, CSS, IAS exam aspirants. Best English reading app for beginners as well as advanced users. Increase your reading speed by practicing daily. Learn correct usage of difficult words. English words with meaning and sentences. Practice English reading for free.
You can also visit our website which has over hundred thousand sentences for more than ten thousand English words: https://buildmyvocab.in/
English learning resource focusing on many things such as TOEFL, TOEIC, EFL, ESL, ELT, ESOL, TEFL, TEFL, TESOL, English as a Second Language, English as a 2nd Language, English as a Foreign Language, English learner, English language study dyslexia. English vocabulary for competitive exams, kids, beginners as well as adults.
This app is offered by "Build My Vocab: Make learning Simpler & fun"
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