Disclaimer : This app has no relation with WBPSC or any other govt. agency. This is mere collection of MCQs that have been asked in different exams.
Geography Guide is an application that helps you prepare for WBCS and other government job exams
❏ It contains,
☛ WBCS last year's 2010-19 prelims Q&A
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Important sample questions and answers for practice, more questions will be given in the next update
Attempts have been made to provide as accurate information as possible
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Geography Guide is an application that helps you prepare for WBCS and other government job exams
❏ It contains,
☛ WBCS last year's 2010-19 prelims Q&A
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Important sample questions and answers for practice, more questions will be given in the next update
Attempts have been made to provide as accurate information as possible
পারবেন Share all questions and answers with friends
If you like it, encourage it with rating
থাকলে Report errors by clicking on the Error menu
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