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Classic Hits 93.9

Zimmer Radio, Inc.
4.6 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About Classic Hits 93.9

The Greatest Hits of All Time!

Download the New Classic Hits 93.9 App so you can hear the greatest hits of all time wherever you go! Listen on your phone, iPhone or Android, and on your tablet. Wake up with Rob Meyer then keep the music rolling with Jenn Wilson, Thom Watts, and Kyle Thomas! Covering Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.

More about Classic Hits 93.9 App:

-Listen to us on your smartphone and tablet
-Wake up with Classic Hit 93.9's Alarm Clock Feature
-Get alerts when your favorite songs and artists play
-Vote for your favorite songs
-Stay up to date with weather forecasts
-Use our open mic feature to request songs and talk to us
-Enter contests and take advantage of special, Classic Hits 93.9 exclusive offers

Classic Hits 93.9 Screenshots